Confins slaves

bibliographie géopolitique sélective :

F. Tétart, "Kaliningrad, tête de pont de l'armée russe face au bouclier antimissile américain?" , Hérodote 128, 2008/01 : titre un peu hardi, par LE spécialiste français de Kaliningrad. Le lien avec le BAM est à mon avis douteux, même si l'article est intéressant.

V Dautancourt, "les minorités russes en Estonie: unité et diversification" Hérodote 128, 2008/01. Assez technique mais intéressant.

A Filler, "zones de contact, zones de conflits, Histoire et GP de la frontière russo-lettonne" in Hérodote 128, 2008/01 : très bon article qui parle de frontière, dans la lignée d'un M. Foucher.

Sous la direction de Sabine Fischer Ukraine: Quo Vadis? Cahier de Chaillot - n°108, mars 2008, avec Sabine Fischer, Rosaria Puglisi, Kataryna Wolczuk, Pawel Wolowski. "This Chaillot Paper, edited by Sabine Fischer, brings together four perspectives on Ukrainian domestic politics and foreign policy. The first two chapters’ investigation into the causes of recent domestic crises and the role of single groups of actors (principally the Ukrainian oligarchs) provides an insight into the domestic intricacies of a country as complex as Ukraine. The third chapter takes stock of Ukraine’s relations with the EU three years after both sides declared swift rapprochement and the far-reaching Europeanisation of Ukraine to be their common goal, when the European Neighbourhood Action Plan was signed after the Orange Revolution. The final chapter focuses on how relations with Russia and its CIS neighbours remain a crucial dimension of Ukraine’s often ambivalent foreign policy, and examines the extent to which Ukraine has become, or has the potential to become, a force for stability in the region".
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